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Join Pack 251

Four steps to joining Cub Scouts

1. Come to your first pack meeting or event

Contact us for the place and time of the next den or pack meeting/event. Be prepared (clothed) for outdoor activity regardless of the time of year. If possible, please come a few minutes early to introduce yourself and the new Scout to the leaders and to receive enrollment forms.

2. Complete the required BSA Enrollment and Health Forms.

These forms need to be filled out upon joining and can be obtained from your den/pack leaders or downloaded here. These forms are required by the Boy Scouts of America for membership and will give us important emergency and health information regarding your Scout. Please bring any important health information to the attention of your den leader, such as severe allergies, diet restrictions, required inhalants, etc.

3. Pay BSA Enrollment Fees (Contact us for current fee amount)

Enrollment fees are payable each September 1st. The fee covers registration, insurance, and a subscription to Boys’ Life Magazine. Make checks payable to “Pack 251.”

Additional Expenses The pack is non-profit and primarily self-funding, meaning that any additional costs are passed onto the parents of the Scouts. Most Scout activities require no additional money. Such pack activities include bike trail rides, hiking, fishing, outdoor sports, and the majority of Scout book activities.

Additional Expenses may include project and activity materials, food at the meetings and recruitment fees. These expenses are sometimes paid for by donations from sponsors, pack fund-raisers such as the Boy Scout’s Annual Popcorn Sales Event, and car washes. The members of the pack determine the need for pack fund-raising.

It can be expected that the pack will participate in some activities which will require additional dues to participate. Examples of such expenses may be admission fees for special field trips, campgrounds, roller/ice rinks, zoos, etc.

4. Purchase a Scout Uniform and Scout Book, then “be prepared” for the fun and adventure.

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