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Join Troop 251

The Boy Scouts of America was incorporated to provide a program for community organizations that offers effective character, citizenship, and personal fitness training for youth. It is available to boys and girls who have earned the Arrow of Light Award (Cub Scouts) or have completed the fifth grade, or who are 11 through 17 years old . The program achieves the BSA’s objectives of developing character, citizenship, and personal fitness qualities among youth by focusing on a vigorous program of outdoor activities.

If you meet these basic requirements and are interested in joining our troop, simply attend a meeting.  Approach anyone in a Scout uniform and they will direct you to our Scoutmaster.  You can also send an email to vicksburgtroop251(at)gmail(sot)com for more information.

The normal Troop meeting time is Monday from 7:00pm – 8:30pm at the Cabin at Camp Char Le Maude on Barton Lake during the warmer months (March thru October). The Troop meets at our Charter Organization, the VFW Post 5855 on Sprinkle Road near Vicksburg, during the winter months (November thru February).

When Ready To Join

Complete a BSA Youth application and health form signed by the parent or guardian.

To receive the first rank of “Scout”, and therefore become a member of the Troop, the candidate is expected to perform the following at one of the first meetings he attends:

  1. Repeat the Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Demonstrate the Scout sign, salute, and handshake
  3. Demonstrate tying the square knot (a joining knot)
  4. Understand and agree to live by the Scout Oath/Promise, Scout Law, Motto, and Slogan, and the Outdoor Code
  5. Complete the Pamphlet exercises found in the Scout Handbook
  6. Describe the Scout Badge
  7. Participate in a Scoutmaster conference

Adult Volunteers

Troop 251 is always in need of volunteer leaders. Both men and women, are involved in the Scouting program. They serve in a variety of jobs: everything from unit leaders to chairmen of troop committees, committee members, merit badge counselors, chartered organization representatives, and, of course, adult chaperones on outings of all sorts.  To volunteer, you must be a registered member of the Troop. CLICK HERE for the application.  Also, online Youth Protection Training, must be completed in order to volunteer.  CLICK HERE to take the training now.

Who Pays for It?

Expenses are shared by the Scout, his/her parents, the troop, and the Local Council (through community donations). Boys are encouraged to earn money whenever possible to pay their own expenses… this can be accomplished on their own and/or thru fundraisers sponsored by the Troop.  Fund raisers include the annual BSA popcorn sale, spaghetti dinners, poinsettia & Christmas Tree sales during the holidays, and many others.

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© 2025 Scouts BSA Troop 251 – Vicksburg, MI - Boy Scouts of America
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